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Wordoflifeusa is a financial web application system developed in the US market. The software allows customers to participate in investing, saving, giving and other events developed by the system. BEIT has built the system on the basis of nestjs for backend, nextjs for fontend and postgreSQL for DB.

I. System overview introduction

WorldoflifeUSA – one of the community development systems that provides opportunities for cooperation to support education, finance, personal and family development. The focus is on providing a meaningful, learning experience for members, to provide skills for building relationships, with community, loving, serving, giving, helping each other create real value.

This system provides a series of extremely attractive features and services to help users manage members in the system, making it easy for members to invest and trade products conveniently. and effective as well as bringing certain values to everyone.

System login screen

II. System functions

A financial investment system is a tool that helps users manage and optimize aspects of their finances. The Wordoflifeusa system includes functions of account management, investment package management, savings, contract management and transfer, management of system products and customer transactions. Below are details about the functions of the Wordoflifeusa system – this American project.

1. Account and e-wallet

With the WordoflifeUSA system, when participating, users need to create an account and KYC with accurate information. After the system approves the account, users can access and participate in the community quickly and easily.

In addition, the system directly integrates the deposit feature via e-wallet. Users can store, manage and perform money transfers and withdrawals to their wallets quickly and easily.

2. Account management

With the system account management function, users can store and add new accounts by entering all information fields including full name, email, …

In addition, the password editing and changing feature is easy to update and quick, and the account locking feature is also integrated in the system to help users lock accounts according to customer requirements. when you notice something unusual about your account.
Search filters based on information fields help managers easily find account information. This helps managers easily access and update user information conveniently.

In particular, through this account management feature, users can easily monitor account statuses for approval or timely requests for account information. Know the membership level in the system. From there, there are appropriate commission distribution policies.
In addition, users can click to increase their level as well as receive many attractive commissions from junior sponsors. This information is also stored in detail in the customer account and transaction management section.

3. Contract and transfer management

With the system, users can directly create contracts and transfer their accounts to others in the same system. With quick operations and a strict sample contract, all your information will be updated accurately and promptly. From there, it helps bring convenience and is extremely impressive.

4. Product management

A feature that allows authorized users to manage their product packages. Besides setting up new product packages, users can update prices, information as well as operational status to suit each stage of development.

This is a necessary condition for users to be able to make investments as well as participate in other programs of the system.

5. Manage investment packages

Besides product management, the system also has the ability to set up investment packages. From there, it helps users make appropriate choices to help gain high profits after an investment period.

When users make investments, sponsors will receive a corresponding commission. The commission amount will be calculated according to the sponsor’s level.

6. Event management

WorldoflifeUSA also builds extremely unique and impressive event programs. Users can freely participate in increasing their rankings in the rankings through level-up clicks or sponsoring new users to the system.

This function allows authorized users to set up and edit events displayed directly on the system. Furthermore, the feature of recording participant statistics as well as ranking positions helps users easily award rewards to the most active participants.

7. Manage savings packages

In addition to providing products and investment packages, the system also develops savings packages to help users comfortably participate. Not only do they help users save money, but they are also a tool to help users make a profit after the registration period.

With the savings package management function, users are authorized to set up and edit savings packages so that users can participate. The automatic interest and repayment system helps users track daily profits in detail as well as decide on maturity or renewal accordingly.

8. Manage customer transactions

The customer transaction management feature allows users to view transaction details, edit information if necessary as well as transaction status. All transactions of each member, including unfinished, completed, or canceled transactions, are saved. From there, in case a problem occurs, users can easily check the information and compare.


With the continuous development of technology and the increasing need for financial investment, financial investment applications will help you manage your finances appropriately and bring profitability, achieving your goals. your financial spending.

If your business needs to develop a financial investment system but don’t know where to start. Please contact us, we will advise you more about the project and help your ideas be implemented successfully. Contact us immediately via:

Hotline: 0936736633

Refer to more products in our other fields here: 

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