

Because of the great demand of customers for SEO-standard and quality websites, BEIT has been focusing on building a warehouse of website templates for customers

Great, simplified web design

Our website builder helps bring your unique vision to life — no design or coding experience required. Create a customizable, mobile-optimized website in under an hour. All you need to get started is a domain name and visibility for your website. If you are building a small business website, online store or otherwise, Beitweb can simplify the process.

Manage your interface

It’s easy to build a beautiful website by applying one of our pre-designed color schemes and themes in just a few clicks. Ease of use comes first in our website builder. You can even adjust the color scheme to match your brand for a professional looking website template.

Customize your new website layout

Mailchimp’s website builder features professional, pre-made layouts for every section, so you can quickly change the structure of your site to your liking without any coding knowledge.

See your edits in real time

Edit, add sections, resize images, and undo all right from the page — so you don’t have to leave the editor to make changes. We’ve made building your own website as easy as possible so you can successfully integrate your business.

Use beautiful pictures for free

Building a unique, customizable website won’t be difficult. Use our built-in photo library to choose from over 2 million free, professional-quality photos. While other website builders place the burden on users to find and upload their own images, Mailchimp makes things simple.

Online sales and order management

Launch a free online e-commerce store from your website — you pay only when you sell. Then use the built-in marketing features to drive traffic and sales through our integrated full-featured platform.

Make appointments online

Add free appointment scheduling to your website so customers can book your services.

Promote your website and build an audience with our all-in-one platform

We help you establish your brand, look like a pro, and boost your search engine rankings using our easy-to-use website builder. Customize your website on a code-free platform so you don’t need to hire anyone else to help.

Reach more people with your Beitweb website

Grow and engage a larger, higher-quality customer base with intelligent tools that speak to interested audiences when they are most ready to listen.


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