Products of BEIT

BEIT provides BEORDER system to import goods from TAOBAO.COM, 1688.COM, TMALL.COM for businesses

BEIT with experience building many leading systems, leading software applications for different businesses. With the trust of customers, BEIT has successfully built a system to import goods directly from TAOBAO.COM, 1688.COM, TMALL.COM. Those of you who are having difficulty accessing and importing goods from these sites, the system will support you directly from BEORDER.

BEIT with experience building many leading systems, leading software applications for different businesses. With the trust of customers, BEIT has successfully built a system to import goods directly from TAOBAO.COM, 1688.COM, TMALL.COM. Those of you who are having difficulty accessing and importing goods from these sites, the system will support you directly from BEORDER.

The strengths that BEORDER brings.
– For customers: You just need to register an account and install our addon, you can comfortably sit at home to order at TAOBAO.COM, 1688.COM, TMALL.COM. The rest will be handled by our system, there will be staff to assist you with all stages of importing goods, choosing shippers to your door, you will become an easy trader when accessing our system. we.

– For system managers: You will be provided with administrative functions, order processing steps, customer information management, providing Addon for customers, with many powerful features. BEORDER provides customers with many great functions.

Actively rich source of goods

With many years of experience, the consulting and sourcing team of Bao Gam newspaper is always ready to connect customers with manufacturing, wholesale and retail locations with rich tools and databases.


TaoBao is a website system of Alibaba Group that sells e-commerce products, all buying and selling processes are done through the Internet, including payment and selection.

1688.COM is an extremely diverse and rich warehouse with all kinds of items such as clothes, shoes, cosmetics, electronics and components, household and office supplies…


Tmall converges hundreds of thousands of companies, so it has brought convenience to customers in viewing many product designs, before making a decision to buy the right product.


Service provided




We provide Alipay recharge service, service with Chinese banks


Specializes in providing China-Vietnam shipping services


  • Take customers to shop
    Get visa
    Book hotels and flights
    Provide interpreter, Chinese guide


BEORDER functions include:

  1. Customer management

    BEORDER manage customer list

  2. Order management steps

    • > All
    • > Waiting for deposit
    • > Deposited
    • > Shopping
    • > Purchased
    • > Seller is shipping
    • > Arrived in China warehouse
    • > Shipping to Vietnam
    • > Arrived at VN warehouse
    • > Shipping
    • > Guest received
    • > Cancel

      BEIT develops import system BEORDER

  3. Employee manager

    BEORDER Employee Management

  4. System installation

    BEORDER system management

  5. Statistical

    BEORDER Statistics

  6. Manage Posts

    BEORDER Manage Posts

  7. Manage user list

    BEORDER Manage user list

  8. Personal information management

    BEORDER Personal information management

  9. Complaints management

    BEORDER Complaints management

  10. Manage transaction history

    BEORDER Manage transaction history

  11. Manage add-ons for customers

  12. User-specific admin page

  13. Home page introduced to users

  14. News sites

Our system has been provided to users such as,, with a revenue of billions of dong per month.

Please contact BEIT for the best advice please contact us

Or contact us at Tel: (+84) 0936736633, (+84) 0357402388 or email for the best support for you.


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