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BEIT has successfully developed and built a real estate closing website system for G18 partners, the system uses the nestjs and nextjs platforms for the frontend and backend, along with the postgreSQL database management system for the database. The system is a real estate buying and selling community directly on the floor for people with real estate needs.


The real estate closing website system was developed with the goal of becoming a community that allows users to conduct real estate buying, selling or renting transactions directly on this platform. By posting transaction information on the floor, people who want to buy and people who want to sell can connect with each other easily, saving time, reducing costs and effort in searching. At the same time, the system integrates different means of communication, making it easy for users to access and connect.
In particular, the system integrates online payment methods on the website to help users easily pay related fees when listing their news articles on the floor.


System functions play an important role in managing, controlling, and optimizing activities within the system. The real estate closing website system allows users to operate the functions of user management, posting news, depositing money into accounts, managing accounts and managing information in the system. Below are details of the system’s functions:

1. User management

  • With the user administration function, the system allows users to edit their personal information and change their password.
    Personal information: the system allows users to update and edit previous information, with the ability to easily and quickly edit and update information.
  • Change password: the system allows users to change their password when needed

2. Post news

The real estate closing website system allows users to create news posted on the system related to buying/selling, finding/renting real estate directly on the floor:

  • Enter information: the user chooses the type of news to post: real estate for sale or rent, real estate to buy or rent, the user enters the necessary information according to the displayed content. Serves for posting information on the website.
  • Select the posting package for the news: the system will display all valid packages divided by whether the logged in person is Customer or Staff. After choosing the posting package, users continue to choose the number of days they want their news to display: 1 day, 7 days, 15 days…
  • Payment for the posting package: when the user selects the posting package and chooses the number of days he wants to display, the system will automatically calculate the amount the user needs to pay to successfully post the ad, the price the user needs to pay. Payment will be calculated according to the formula (promotional price – original price)/promotional price *100.
  • Posting news: after completing all steps of entering information and paying for the posting package, selecting posting, the user’s news will be posted on the website.

3. Deposit money into your account

Users will deposit money into their account to make payment for posting packages, with the deposit function:

  • Choose a top-up package: Customers choose the top-up package they want, with each top-up package the customer will receive an increase of 5%, 10%… corresponding to the value package the customer chooses, the promotional amount will be added to the top-up package value. The user enters the amount they want to deposit within the previously selected value package. The default displayed amount is at least 50,000 VND for the smallest value package.
  • Enter payment information: Customers enter necessary information for payment such as full name, phone number, payment email
  • Choose payment method: The system has 3 payment methods for customers to choose from to make payments to deposit money into their account: via ATM card, e-wallet and bank transfer.
  • Payment: the system will switch to the payment screen through a third party, VNpay, when the customer chooses to agree to the terms of use and continue to pay. Payment via VNpay will be made when the customer’s bank account is linked to VNpay. Once the user’s account has been linked to VNpay, the user will need to enter the payment pin code via VNpay to complete the payment to top up the account.

4. Account management

With the account management function, customers will be able to view the amount of money currently in their account.

  • Account: The system will be divided into 2 main accounts and promotion account, the main account is the balance when the customer deposits money into the account, the promotion account is the amount of money the customer receives according to the portion. hundred value of the top-up package the customer chooses and the amount the customer tops up. Available balance allows customers to pay with this amount, frozen is the amount that customers cannot use to make payments. In this account section, customers will be able to review the deposit transaction milestones that they have deposited into their account.
  • Transaction history: all customer transactions made in the system will be displayed here, transaction history will let customers know the timelines, transaction types, transaction methods, amounts and status of transactions.

5. News management

With news management function:

  • Posted news: the system displays all the news that users post here, the website system will statistics for customers the number of visits to view the news, how many phone calls are made, and whether How many times have you booked to see the house? The feature of updating and deleting news is also easy for customers to edit. The status of the purchased package will also be displayed here, allowing users to easily monitor whether the status of the package has expired or not, helping users easily decide whether to continue renewing the package. To maintain the current position or switch to a higher package means pushing the position of real estate listings on the floor higher, increasing accessibility to customers.
  • Favorite news: the system displays all favorite news that customers save here, allowing customers to review real estate news that they have previously liked, instead of going to each page and looking for news again. posts.

6. Location of news display

Posted news about the customer’s real estate will be displayed on the home page of the real estate closing system website. The news will be sorted into categories corresponding to the posting that the customer has previously selected. : real estate buying and renting directory, helping users easily find information that matches their intentions.

The system allows users to filter project types, areas to search, price range and other information helpful in finding the corresponding real estate. Allows users to pay the price of the real estate they want right on the system, and the system integrates the real estate loan interest calculation feature to help users calculate the amount of interest to pay if they want to borrow a sum of money. for how many years?

At the same time, the home viewing registration feature is also integrated right into the system. Through this feature, buyers can easily register for a home viewing appointment online, without having to come directly to the office or call. to arrange. Customers can choose dates and times that suit their schedule, with the flexibility to choose from a variety of schedules. The system can also send reminders before appointments take place, ensuring that all are all ready for the meeting.


The real estate closing website system designed by BEIT is not simply a transaction completion tool, but also a powerful information platform. Providing users with real estate properties that customers are looking to sell/rent, helping users save time in searching, easily contact and choose the appropriate time to schedule a viewing. real estate.

The system has changed the way users approach and conduct real estate transactions. The collaboration between BEIT and partner G18 not only creates a strong footprint in the industry but also drives growth and innovation in the field. With continued development and improvement, the website promises to continue to create important highlights in the future of the real estate market.

If your business does not have a website, or your website does not properly represent the value and capabilities of your company. Let BEIT become your trusted partner to contribute to the success of your business. Contact us today to start your business’s digital transformation journey:
Hotline: 0936736633

Refer to more products in our other fields here.

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