Products of BEIT

WinAd order and advertising management software developed by BEIT

Businesses are having a headache with hundreds of orders coming from many different sources such as dozens of Landingpages, dozens of different websites. Unable to manage order input from marketing and sales staff or simply manage on Excel, it is easy to lose data.

Meanwhile, it is not possible to manage the daily amount of money that employees have used for running ads. It is very difficult for company leaders to track the number of orders and corresponding to the amount of advertising spent, it is very difficult to come up with a new strategy to monitor daily, weekly, monthly and yearly

Main features of Winad . software:

  1. Dashboard: Filter data, Revenue tracking charts, Marketing reports by product.
  2. Marketing: Manage facebook, google advertising accounts of employees in the company
  3. Order Management: Add Orders, Order List, Customer List
  4. Product management: Add products, product list
  5. Manage forms displayed on all landing pages, websites (there are hundreds of Langdingpages and websites displayed), you can create forms that are automatically displayed on different platforms
  6. Report management includes:
    – Marketing report
    – Marketing source report
    – Telesale report
    – Customer source report
    – Area report
    – Report on FB marketing
    – Interactive telesale reports
    – Statistics for orders
  7. Ordering department: For order management accountants, order statuses, closing dates, date of issue, customer information, discounts…
  8. Anti-spam tool, spam orders, orders that show signs of spam or are placed many times by phone number, or IP with problems, the system will automatically block that IP or Phone number from ordering anymore
  9. Automated order payments for Telesale: you are having trouble managing split orders, Winad will do it for you to ensure the system
  10. Report marketing expenses: This is something that any business has a headache, giving money to marketing staff to run but can’t manage. Winad will help you do it automatically from the running accounts of your employees.
  11. Team management: Manage all team members, manage users, staff accounts.
  12. Edit your account’s personal information.

WINAD will be the optimal solution for these headaches, helping businesses operate efficiently. We guarantee to customize according to the customer’s requirements and model, to suit the customer’s work. Thereby helping customers operate more efficiently.

Some of Winad .’s system screens


I. Login to the system and register the system

You register to login winad to be able to use the system and track your orders

II. Control Panel  Winad

  • Filter the data
  • Revenue tracking chart
  • Marketing report by product


III. Marketing management

  1. Quản lý danh sách quảng cáo, các tài khoản Facebook, Google…

    List of customers winad

  2. Manage advertising accounts

    Winad . advertising account management

IV. Order Management

  • Lead division
  • Filter orders
  • Export Lead
  • Advanced Export
  • Total lead
  • Total Lead win
  • Total revenue
  • Closing rate

Winad order management

A useful feature on Winad order management software that you cannot ignore is the sales report. In addition to seeing the total number of orders and revenue by day, you can compare sales by different channels to see which online channels are performing well.

On a sales channel, sellers can have many different stores. Winad supports centralized management of all stores across multiple channels. You can easily view the performance comparison report between stores to get the right business strategy.
With Winad, order processing and online order management tasks become simple and fast. The software not only helps you optimize efficiency and work time, but also brings high accuracy in work.


Contact us to try it out


Strategic products

WinAd advertising and order management software


Businesses are having a headache with hundreds of orders coming from many different sources such as dozens of Landingpages, dozens of different websites. Unable to manage order input from marketing and sales staff or simply manage on Excel, it is easy to lose data.

Meanwhile, it is not possible to manage the daily amount of money that employees have used for running ads. It is very difficult for company leaders to track the number of orders and corresponding to the amount of advertising spent, it is very difficult to come up with a new strategy to monitor daily, weekly, monthly and yearly

WINAD will be the optimal solution for these headaches, helping businesses operate efficiently

The only software in Vietnam


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