
Top technology and business trends in 2022

The impact of Covid-19 continues to be felt as a number of technologies get ready to welcome the new year.

As the number of Covid-19 vaccinations increases globally, life is returning to normal. However, that is no longer the world we lived in before the pandemic. The enduring nature of this global crisis has altered the needs and daily lifestyles of our customers. This, in turn, will change what I expect the world to be like in 2022 and beyond. Let’s take a look at the top 10 technology and business trends we’re likely to encounter in the coming year.

Momentum in Life Science Technology

The life sciences sector includes pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental sciences, biomedicine, pharmaceutics, neuroscience, cell biology, and biophysics. In part due to increased investment in mRNA vaccine technology and high-performance Covid-19 testing, 2021 has spurred major innovation in life science technology.

Examples of this innovation include the mRNA-based vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. Merck’s recent Covid drug developments have also fueled the rapidly evolving life sciences industry.

Going forward, I expect we will see dramatic movement in several areas of the life sciences, including cutting-edge research; application of robotics manufacturing technology; artificial intelligence (AI) tools; using cloud technology; improving drug testing speed; integration of genetic information; and the use of genetic engineering. I also foresee the growth of personalized medicine through advances in genetic technology. For example, the startup 23andMe helps people access, understand, and benefit from the human genome.

Networking and networking: Expanding 5G-6G and using satellite-based Internet

As remote work becomes more common, the reliability of the Internet becomes more important than ever. The Internet of Things (IoT) makes the internet an integral part of our lives, and developments at all levels of the network will continue to drive research and drive the internet economy forward.

According to the Cisco Visual Networks Index forecast update for 2018, there will be an additional 1.4 billion Internet users by 2022, compared with 3.4 billion users in 2017. This is equivalent to close to 60% of the global population, assuming a population of 8 billion in 2022. By then, Internet users are expected to consume 4.8 zettabytes of data per year, 11 times the amount of IP traffic transported created in 2012, with 437 exabytes.

While 5G may be in its infancy, we should see an increasing focus on 6G in 2022. China started research on 6G in 2018. At the end of 2020, the country launched satellite to test the transmission of terahertz signals. Huawei and ZTE participated. The US also started 6G research in 2018 with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opening up higher frequency spectrum for experimental use. The Next G Alliance was formed in 2020, with participating companies including Apple, AT&T, and Google. South Korea, Japan, and several European countries have begun to seriously consider 6G, and we expect to see more announcements in 2022.

High-performance computing becomes mainstream

With the recent growth of big data and cloud-based research and analytics, I expect the use of high-performance computing to skyrocket in 2022. From drug discovery, to research From cancer to space exploration, high-performance computing will become increasingly important, and quantum computing technology needs to keep up with business needs.

We have seen major developments in the quantum computing space by players including Google, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon and Alibaba. Startups like Rigetti Computing, D-Wave Systems, ColdQuanta, 1QBit, Zapata Computing, and QC Ware have exceeded industry expectations in terms of their technology and growth rate.

I expect rapid progress in quantum computing in 2022, because the high demand for greater machine power will drive developments in the field. We’ll likely see announcements of major qubit developments in the new year. Commercial quantum computers will soon be within our reach, and new breakthroughs will happen at an increasingly rapid rate.

Keep evolving in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing

AI has become an integral part of our lives. From improvements to personalization, search ranking, product recommendations, and device understanding and control to build better environmental models to industry automation, we see AI adoption is everywhere as we head towards 2022.

Organizations are using predictive analytics to forecast future trends. According to a report published by Facts & Factors, the global predictive analytics market is growing at an average growth rate of around 24.5% and is expected to reach $22.1 billion by the end of 2026.

We will also see massive growth in the cloud computing sector. By 2022, the cloud will be more stationary and more compute workloads will run in the cloud. The Internet of Things will certainly advance this space in a larger way. According to a prediction from Gartner, global spending on cloud services is expected to reach more than $482 billion by 2022, up from $314 billion in 2020.

Dominate Internet Security and Privacy

As the world becomes more digital, we are seeing an increasing number of personal and organizational cyberattacks around the world. Several corporations have been targeted by major cyberattacks in recent days, and businesses have become more vulnerable to destructive attacks, in part due to an increase in remote work due to the pandemic.

In 2022, I expect that we will see cyberattacks across sectors and we will see the industry take multiple countermeasures. Protecting against cyberattacks will include educating individuals so they can identify and avoid cyberattacks, thus protecting their company’s image.

The adoption of AI will make it easier, less expensive, and more efficient than ever to create powerful cybersecurity protocols. The use of AI can enable cybersecurity to detect risks and learn the behavior of cybercriminals, thereby preventing future attacks. It can also help cut down on the time that cybersecurity professionals do their day-to-day tasks.

Metaverse will shine in 2022

Metaverse is a digital reality that combines social media, online games, augmented reality, virtual reality, and cryptocurrency to allow users to interact virtual. Metaverse can refer to anything on the internet, including all AR services. The virtual space of the future describes the metaverse, providing access to all types of entertainment and projects, including work opportunities.

We hope the metaverse will become rich, popular, and free to access. It will be digitally focused and potentially related to entertainment, social connection, productivity, and behavior modification at scale. It will create an entire ecosystem for new developers, apps, ads, and digital innovations. Metaverse will facilitate, consume and access services easily.

Today only a handful of companies have a real stake in the metaverse. These include ByteDance, Tencent, Facebook, Spotify, Zoom, Amazon (Twitch), Alibaba, Roblox, Bilibili, Snapchat, Kuaishou, and Huawei. Apple’s wearable devices are also coming with AR glasses. Microsoft with Microsoft Teams and games is probably the most advanced company in the world in terms of metaverse. WeChat’s ability to support payments and access multiple services was the beginning of the metaverse super app.

As the metaverse ecosystem grows in 2022, I expect it to have a direct impact on the future of many tech sectors. These include games, wearables, VR and AR, collaborative productivity (Canva, Slack), consumer technology products (including AR glasses or smart speakers), social networks, educational technology , health technology, media technology (Zoom), digital currency and convenience of mobilization and on-demand consumption (Amazon, Meituan, Alibaba,, Shopify).

NFT platform will explode

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital object: computer code and data that convey ownership of something. Assets can be online: for example, virtual real estate in the digital world or special equipment in a video game. Or it could be real: real estate, a painting, or a seat at a concert. NFTs can also be a hybrid: the power to decide who can rent a room in a co-working space, for example. A baseball card, Ronaldo’s first ball, an antique car or a plot of land in Central London: It’s all one and can be shipped to the NFT.

By 2022, we could see NFTs everywhere; this includes in movies, tv shows, books etc. NFTs are part of the digital economy and are going mainstream as they allow people to own something that represents a part of it. of something larger than themselves – a work of art or a character, for example. The digital economy is made up of many online marketplaces, including the game economy, virtual real estate, and even social media platforms like Facebook.

Our society has changed rapidly over the past decade, especially due to the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis and pandemic. These trends are coming together to shape a world where NFTs will defeat traditional collectors, making 2022 an important year.

Robotics industry will become more popular

We expect to see increased use of robots in everyday life in 2022. Uses will include healthcare, agriculture, automotive, warehousing and supply chain management sectors. response and we will see many areas of robot-based automation continue to grow.

The Covid-19 pandemic presents both problems and opportunities for robotics companies in logistics and supermarkets. Unexpected stress on supply systems and product shortages have highlighted the need for better supply chain efficiency. It is clear that robotics and automation provide a safe means for manufacturers to keep employees socially isolated while still allowing businesses to continue operating.

The use of robotic process automation (RPA) helps automate repetitively performed operations; We expect RPA to grow by 2022 and become the standard technology for enterprises. The CIO reports that chief information officers are using RPA to free workers from boring, repetitive tasks and enable them to do better. Finally, we are seeing the rise of nanorobotics, small sensors with limited processing power. The first useful applications of these nanomachines may be in nanomedicine. For example, biological machines are used to identify and destroy cancer cells or deliver drugs.

Increased urgency in the field of renewable energy technology

Climate change and dramatic news headlines are driving rapid growth in sustainable energy adoption. During the pandemic, this is the only energy sector that has grown. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 40% more green energy will be created and used by 2020; The agency is expected to continue its growth in 2022. The reduced cost of sustainable energy generation also helps ensure that mass adoption is likely. While newer energy technologies such as nuclear fusion, biofuels and liquid hydrogen may take longer to enter full circle, we expect serious advances in 2020. 2022.

I also expect to see strong growth in the production and use of solar and wind technologies. Storage technology (battery) is playing a larger role, as the need for renewable energy storage grows.

Blockchain technology first

Blockchain, an innovative type of distributed ledger, allows companies to track transactions and do business with unverified parties – even without the backing of financial institutions. This new capability significantly reduces business conflicts; it also adds other benefits like append-only data structure, transparency, security, immutability and decentralization.

Blockchain technology has been widely adopted and continues to disrupt many industries, from gaming to governance to finance. According to the International Data Corporation, companies will spend nearly $6.6 billion on blockchain solutions in 2021, a 50% increase from the previous year. This number is expected to grow to over $15 billion by 2024. With the new rise of NFT and the metaverse, blockchain will become even more important in 2022.

Businesses are encouraged to start researching blockchain technology, as it is expected to create significant business opportunities; Statista reports that global blockchain technology is predicted to grow to over $23.3 billion by 2023. One notable existing blockchain implementation is Walmart’s supply chain database application, which allows monitor individual products directly to their source, effectively improving food supply standards. Amazon is rolling out its blockchain initiatives for 2019, allowing Amazon Web Services customers to benefit from distributed ledger solutions.

Look forward

There is no doubt that 2022 will see rapid advancement in these and other technologies, as the world emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic. I see a key opportunity for startups, corporations and smart investors to capitalize on these emerging technology and business trends to become more successful than ever. Let’s hope that the resulting innovation will make the world a better place for people and businesses.



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